The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…
"I Will Arise"
What happened after the prodigal son returned home in repentance and sorrow to find his father's forgiveness and restoration? "I will arise and go to my father" (Luke 15:21).
We do not know. The Lord's narrative does not tell us whether the younger son's repentance and the father's grace resulted in a lifetime of devotion thereafter. Of course, we know what should have happened, and hopefully did. Herein lies a great lesson for the hearts of born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, namely, what should have happened in the prodigal son's life could not have taken place without the first steps of realization, repentance, and return to his father. Restoration to faith and faithfulness only begins when we respond to God's overtures of grace whereby we avail ourselves of His promised forgiveness and cleansing. "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation (mercy seat) for our sins " (I John 2:1-2).
We do God, ourselves, and those with whom we live our lives no favors by wallowing in the effects of sin, particularly since our Heavenly Advocate, the Lord Jesus, provides such effectual restoration through His intercessory work on our behalf. "If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin" (I John 1:7). The sooner we come to our senses, go to our Father, and believe with our hearts that regardless of the severity of our failure, the success of our Savior's atoning work on our behalf transcends all, the sooner we will find genuine repentance in our hearts, and genuine motivation to rise and tread again the path of righteousness.
"Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound, that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:20-21).
As we have frequently suggested in these messages, if we could hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in times of sin, "Get up!" would sound and resound in our hearts until we arise and go to our Father, as made possible by the merits and work of His Son. Indeed, those benefits on our behalf no less avail for us in times of sin than in times when we walk in faith and faithfulness. No excuse for sin exists in the life of born again believers in the Lord Jesus. Nor do any excuses exist for failure to avail ourselves of His powerfully restorative grace and mercy if we sin. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18).
We do not know the rest of the story regarding the son who returned to his father. We simply know that if a life of faithfulness ensued, as it should have, it would never have happened without the first steps of repentance and return. The truth rings through the ages unto our day, unto this day. If we have fallen, let us arise rather than wallow. The blood of the Lord Jesus, shed for the sins of both sinners and saints, makes possible both salvation and a life of consistent godliness lived after receiving it. "Get up!" the Spirit would say to us if we fall. "I will arise and go to my Father" must be our response.
"For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee."
(Psalm 86:5)
"I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin."
(Psalm 38:18)
"But as for me, I will come into Thy house in the multitude of Thy mercy."
(Psalm 5:7)
Weekly Memory Verse
"Ye are risen with Him through faith in the operation of God."
(Colossians 2:12)
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