My favorite
teacher during my school days was a college history professor named Dr. Holmes,
a man possessed of such brilliant lecturing skills that I hated to see
class end each day. Interestingly, however, Dr. Holmes was also a man with
whom I had major disagreements philosophically and politically, which often led
to lively discussion/debate in class. We respected and liked each other
nevertheless, and I still smile when I think of Dr. Holmes and I teasing
each other after class.
"See ya
later, Dr. Holmes. I'm going to listen to the Paul Harvey
not news, Glen!"
"Well, it's
more news than the stuff you listen to!"
I learned a
valuable lesson from my days with Dr. Holmes, namely, that it is possible to
disagree agreeably. No less than the Apostle Paul, a man of the most
intense conviction, also held this view.
"The servant
of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves" (II Timothy
arguments for the sake of winning arguments has no place in the hearts and
communication of those seeking to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. Certainly we seek to confidently assert our beliefs, avoiding
compromise at all costs. Nevertheless, we also realize that faithfully
presenting our position must be accompanied by an attitude and demeanor that
reflects the disposition of the Lord Jesus. It is more than possible
to lose the person even as we win the debate if we do so in a manner that
contradicts the very truth we seek to espouse. Fleshly and devilish
self-centeredness can be found at the heart of such carnality, and we may
actually do more harm than good.
confidence of conviction expresses itself most often in calmness and awareness
that how we debate is no less important than what we
debate. "Gentle unto all men" even as we uncompromisingly proclaim God's
truth to all men - this is the heart and attitude the Christian servant seeks to
express as we reveal Christ in both doctrine and demeanor.
"Thy gentleness hath made me