The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…
"Promise and Pathos"
From where I sit, our beagle Sparrow beautifully gazes on me from a photograph captured many years ago when she was young and healthy. As many of you know, Sparrow passed away last year. Only artifacts like the photo remain with us, and memories that sweetly linger in our hearts and minds.
From where I sit, the resting, reposing figure of our beagle Ellie lies beside me (as did Sparrow for so many years). I can reach out and touch Ellie, feeling her warmth and the softness of her fur. I can also gratefully behold the steady rhythm of a young, healthy hound's respirations. Countless memories of moments with Ellie already grace our hearts. The prospects of many more, Lord willing, bring a smile and offering of gratitude to Him.
Memories of Sparrow and the presence of Ellie elicit bittersweet emotions. What a joy to have Ellie. What a joy to have had Sparrow, and what a sadness to have lost her. Such is life in fallen world, wherein God so blesses us with tangible expressions of His love, but wherein the gifts must pass so that our Lord's redemptive purposes can be fulfilled.
"The world passeth away" (I John 2:17).
Promise and pathos lace the Apostle John's declaration of a world that cannot endure in its present state of corruption. How we need it to end! It's passing will blessedly make way for "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness" (II Peter 3:13). Surely we cannot even imagine the wonder and splendor of this coming eternal epoch. Presently, however, the departures of earthly blessings painfully wrest the most godly heart and soul. Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself wept when Lazarus died, even though He knew He would soon call His friend from the tomb. The promise did not preempt the pathos in the Savior's heart, nor will it in ours. "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing" (II Corinthians 6:10).
This world of joy and sorrow will one day pass.
But not yet.
One day prayers for comfort we'll need not ask.
But not yet.
One day the grave and tears will be no more,
God's grace of balm we'll need not implore.
But not yet.
Not yet. Not yet. But soon, much sooner than
we think
the Light that shines in darkness will shine only…
in light!
And the Christ who died and rose again,
Will banish the ruin of death and sin.
But not yet, no, not yet.
The Bible ends with John's earnest plea, "Even so, come Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20). The Apostle knew what it meant to be in the Savior's direct presence. He also knew what it meant to lose that Presence. Yes, John well knew the promise and the pathos. He also knew that the latter would one day pass away when this present world reaches its conclusion. We do well to join our brother of old in looking forward to that blessed day with the most eager anticipation and earnest joy. Oh yes, come Lord Jesus!
"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing."
(II Timothy 4:8)
Weekly Memory Verse
He giveth to all life and breath and all things.
(Acts 17:25)
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