The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…
"The Moon and the Dew"
Far beyond 99.99% of the human race have lived their lives unknown to far beyond 99.99% of other members of the race. Fame finds few, even in these days of 24/7 communication. This should lead the masses to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Indeed, for most, achieving notoriety does far more harm than good.
"He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord" (II Corinthians 10:17).
God made human beings to bring honor and attention to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This determination alone leads to peace, joy, and true contentment. We exist as moons to the sun, our spiritual constitution having been formed by our Lord to absorb and reflect His light. We possess no more internal illumination than the dusty lunar surface graced with silicon because God made the moon to reflect, rather than generate light. Our human spirit, soul, and body follow the pattern, existing to be inhabited and infused with the light of God that reveals and glorifies Christ. No greater tranquility - no other tranquility - descends upon our hearts than the realization that we do not have to live to further our own reputation.
Changing the metaphor, Israel would never have partaken of God's provision of manna without the dew (Exodus 16:11-14). The dew, however, quickly melted away, leaving the manna to feed the Lord's people. Few remember the dew. Happy dew! It fulfilled the reason for its fleeting existence, and doubtless knew the peace of being what God made it to be. Of course, the believer's existence extends into an endless eternity. The truth of the dew abides, however. Peace awaits us forevermore, as we seek to bless our sphere of influence as the dew that brought God's manna, and then quietly stole away. "Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (I Corinthians 10:31).
For those found by fame and not destroyed by it, Bravo! You belong to an exclusive fraternity occupied by rare souls who have not allowed notoriety of name to become a noose around the neck. For the rest of us, may we breathe the sweet sigh of relief that fame never found us. Most importantly, let us rejoice in being the moon and the dew, seeking to softly reflect the Light and gently serve the Bread. This is the norm for humanity, which exists to exalt "the Name which is above every name" (Philippians 2:9). And yes, this, this is the way of peace.
"Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth's sake."
(Psalm 115:1)
Weekly Memory Verse
Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
(Jeremiah 33:3)
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