The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…
"Pleasure In His People"
Having written about my paternal grandmother yesterday, it seems only fair that I mention the blessing of my maternal grandmother today. Valeta Harris was a generous and feisty little lady, about as wide as she was tall. She loved her family, and the thing I remember most about her involves the joy she found in our gatherings. She would hardly let anyone leave the get togethers that brought her such delight. One had to be quick and cunning to make a getaway when the time came to go home.
I never think about my grandmother Valeta without considering the Bible's teaching about our Heavenly Father's love for His trusting children in Christ, and how much it means to Him that we live our lives in loving fellowship with one another.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God. And every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God" (I John 4:7).
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" (Psalm 133:1).
Of all the benefits that ensue from believers loving each another, nothing matters more than pleasing our Lord. Relating to one another in ways that bring pleasure to His heart means that we are led and empowered by the Holy Spirit in our relationship and fellowship. Whenever believers gather, whether one to one, or in groups, or in large gatherings, we can be sure our Heavenly Father finds even more blessing in our fellowship than do we ourselves. Of course, unlike my grandmother Valeta, He doesn't chain the door to prevent us from departing from one another! However, He doubtless looks forward to our Heavenly eternity when, as the old hymn intones, "there will be no more parting over there."
We must realize God's feelings transcend any emotion we have ever felt. His infinite nature means that everything about Him immeasurably exceeds our human existence, awareness, and sensibilities. So, the next time we enjoy personal fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ, or find rich blessing in a family gathering, or rejoice with Christians in a service, we do well to remember that Someone else enjoys our togetherness far more than do we ourselves. My grandmother Valeta reflected such wonder, and I am grateful for her exemplifying the joy our Heavenly Father finds in us…
"The Lord taketh pleasure in His people."
(Psalm 149:4)
Weekly Memory Verse
We give thanks unto God and our Father, praying always for you.
(Colossians 1:3)