(The words of this one are the lyrics of a song I wrote many years ago. Wonderfully, the answer to the question remains the same. Glen.)
"Do I Really Matter?"
The lonely man wonders,
Is there anybody out there who really gives a care
that I cry myself to sleep each night,
and very soon I'll give up this fight?
Oh do I really matter,
do I really matter?
The pretty girl wonders,
Is there more to me than just this face
shining in the mirror?
And when beauty fades into memory,
will I still, will I still be me?
Oh do I really matter,
do I really matter?
The guilty one wonders,
is there any way to purge these
bloody hands of mine?
Or am I damned for eternity?
Will no one rise to make my plea?
Oh do I really matter,
Do I really matter?
An answer comes...
As a moonbeam piercing through the endless night,
the silver voice of the risen Christ
shines pure and bright,
Oh yes, you really matter,
yes, you really matter…
To Me.
And we do.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows."
(Matthew 10:29-31)
Weekly Memory Verse
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord hath made even both of them."
(Proverbs 20:12)
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