Sunday, August 28, 2022

Orange Moon Sunday, August 28, 2022 "Sally Can Sing"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…


               "Sally Can Sing"

    Friends: I wrote the following last year.  I am resending because the other day in a service, Frances and I sang one of our songs before I preached.  We usually sing as a duet, but this time we had the pleasure of singing as a trio with someone very dear to our hearts, and doubtless, someone more than dear to God's heart.  We sang with Sally.  She joined her voices with our's and blessed us beyond measure.

    From 2021:

    Sally cannot speak.  She cannot walk.  She can do few things most human beings take for granted, having been confined to a a bed and a wheelchair for a lifetime.  She can, however, do two things that greatly blessed us in a service we conducted yesterday.  Sally can smile.  And Sally can sing.

     "My strength is made perfect in weakness" (II Corinthians 12:9).

    Occasionally, a young person will come to live at one of the nursing facilities where we conduct services.  The challenges faced by such ones are almost always extremely difficult and even painful.  This is the case with Sally.  I suspect she has never walked, spoken, or done anything we might classify as normal.  Frances and I, however, can attest to Sally's ability to smile, to sing, and to be a blessing beyond all description.

    During our hymn time, we began to hear sounds that initially did not seem like melody or harmony.  We quickly realized the notes came from Sally's voice, and even more, from her heart.  She smiled and she sang.  How her voice sounded musically did not matter at all as a sublime beauty deeply touched our hearts.  It made me wonder, what must Sally's voice sound like to God?  Surely we cannot fathom how our Lord must feel when one of His broken instruments raises its voice to praise Him with sounds that may not seem musical, but which He doubtless hears in ways too holy and too Heavenly to imagine.  "Let Me hear thy voice, for sweet is thy voice" (Song of Solomon 2:14).

   I know you will pray for Sally, that the Lord will meet her deep in the spirit of her heart.  I am sure He already does.  Let us ask that He will richly magnify the love and communion He bestows there.  I look forward to singing again with Sally in services to come, and far more, in the Heavenly eternity when once again, we will hear notes as we begin to sing.  "That's Sally" we will think.  Doubtless, the strains of her glorified voice will be sublimely beautiful as it sounds in perfection and in the direct presence of her Lord.  However, I do not know if they will be more beautiful than what we heard today, or what God heard today.  Because Sally can sing.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord."
(Psalm 100:1)

Weekly Memory Verse
     Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
(John 4:14).







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