Saturday, August 4, 2018

Saturday Songs -29- "Why Do They Sing?"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

(Friends: each Saturday this year, we are sending the lyrics and a recorded version of one of our songs.    This one relates to our ministry at the local Rescue Mission.  I hope you find the song encouraging.  Thanks, Glen)

Why Do They Sing?

Why do they sing,
these men who've lost everything?
How can they smile,
when their hearts must be so broken?

Whence comes the song
in a life that must seem so wrong?
Why do they sing?
Oh why, why do they sing?

I think I see the source of their melodies.
I think I hear the voice in their rhapsody
It tells of a hope for those
lost so long ago.
Why do they sing?
Oh why, why do they sing?

I know why they sing.

Jesus, Jesus, oh, Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus, oh, Jesus.

Why do they sing, oh, why?
I know why they sing. . .


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