Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday Songs -24- "Forever Beckons On"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

(Friends: Those of you who have been with us over the years may recognize the lyrics of this one, which we've sent out a number of times as a poem in the devotionals.  I wrote it about 20 years ago, and only recently composed music for it.  I hope you find it encouraging.  Thanks, Glen)

Saturday Songs


“Forever Beckons On”

There is no end to the quest we know, 
forever beckons on.
For our spirits soar in skies so blue,
above all clouds of storm.

And forever beckons on,
forever beckons on.

Yes, we fly into the heart of God
as in His Son we trust.
And earth will soon be nothing more
than long forgotten dust.

And forever beckons on,
forever beckons on.

So spread your wings and catch the wind,
o journeyman of hope,
and race toward horizons blessed
with those who also know

That the quest of hearts is Jesus,
He is our shining sun.
It matters not how far we've come,
the journey's just begun.

And forever beckons on,
forever beckons on.

   Weekly Memory Verse

    Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever.  Amen.”
(I Timothy 6:17)

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