Friday, June 24, 2011

"The Blessing of Blessings" Part 3

    If Christ is the true blessing of our blessings, the joy of our joys, and the very life of our lives, our hearts are far more secure than we can ever fully understand.
    "Safety is of the Lord" (Proverbs 21:31).
    Born again believers in the Lord Jesus possess in the depths of our spiritual being the essence of all fulfillment.  Our Heavenly Father administers this joy and peace of His Son in countless ways.  He reveals Christ to us through things, thoughts, emotions, events, experiences, responsibilities, pastimes, quiet moments, and most of all, people.  We may or may not understand or acknowledge the Blessing of our blessings, but "all your need" is nevertheless supplied "by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).  He is the essence of joy, peace, life and love.  Everything else of goodness and value in our lives serves as His means of expressing the wonder of who and what He is to us.
    Thus, the only thing we cannot afford to lose, we cannot lose.  The vessels of Christ's expression may come and go - and they will - but the Essence remains.  Particularly concerning people, the loss of the special vessels through which our Lord blesses us causes real heartache, pain and grief.  This is not wrong, and does not necessarily imply a lack of faith on our part.  It does, however, call us to trust God in perhaps the most elemental undertaking of our relationship with Him.  We must determine to believe that the loss of the vessel  does not mean that we have lost the joy and fulfillment administered through the vessel.  Christ remains, although a particular means of expressing Himself may pass away.  This we must affirm amid the tears of our loss, and this we will discover to be abundantly true as the Lord Jesus finds new means and modes to reveal Himself to us as we trust Him to be the Blessing of our blessings.
   Again, our hearts are safe because the only thing we cannot afford to lose, we cannot lose.  God's gift to us is Himself.  We rejoice in the myriad of ways the Lord Jesus comes to us, and it is good and proper that we enjoy the vessels that display our Savior's goodness.  We remain vigilant, however, concerning the temptation to mistake the expression for the Essence.  "He is thy life" - nothing more, nothing less, nothing else (Deuteronomy 30:20).  In this perfectly safe haven, our hearts rest and rejoice in the Blessing of our blessings...
"Your life is hid with Christ in God."
(Colossians 3:3)

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