Thursday, June 20, 2024

Orange Moon Thursday, June 20, 2024 "The Songbird"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

"The Songbird" 

   I call Mr. James "The Songbird."

    Mr. James lives at one of the retirement communities where we conduct services.  In his eighties, he has suffered a number of falls since moving to the facility, and his health does not appear to be good.  When speaking or singing, his voice is quiet, and one must listen intently to hear his words and songs.  Most importantly, Mr. James expresses himself with much humility, sincerity, and faith.  He clearly loves the Lord, and he loves people.  

    Not long after Mr. James came to the community, Jessica, the activities director, asked if he could sing a hymn at the end of the service.  I am so glad she did.  This led to my asking him to sing at the end of each gathering he attends, and on most occasions, he does so.  Again, we all have to direct a keen ear to hear The Songbird as he expresses his trusting heart and soft voice to the Lord.  I have the best seat in the house because, when able, Mr. James likes to stand when he sings.  After his falls, I have felt it would be good to stand with him, so I always do so.  Yesterday, I held his hand as he sang "Standing In the Need of Prayer."  

    God blesses us with so many moments in life when we know He grants a blessed and unforgettable measure of grace.  Yesterday's time with Mr. James was most certainly one of those.  The thought occurred to me that this moment in time portended of an eternity to come, when The Songbird will continue his beautiful expression of praise, thanksgiving, and love to his Lord.  He will require no one  to stand with him in those glorious occasions.   I nevertheless plan on doing so often, rejoicing in a voice that will be clear and strong, and a heart that will be as it is now, only more.  Yes, presently, Mr. James beautifully sings "the Lord's song in a strange land" of challenge, difficulty, pain, and weakness (Psalm 137:4).  An eternal day approaches, however, when The Songbird will fling his soul unto the Lord in that Land for which he was made and redeemed.  I look forward to those glorious moments of forever to come, and like yesterday, rejoice to be blessed with sublime moments in time, moments with  The Songbird.

"I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being… I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever.

(Psalm 104:33; 89:1)

Weekly Memory Verse

   Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.

(Romans 15:8)


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