Monday, July 4, 2022

Orange Moon Monday, July 4, 2022 "In the Power of His Might"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

"In the Power of His Might"

    "I will go in the strength of the Lord my God" (Psalm 71:16).

    Wherever life will lead us today, along pathways of the heart or the feet, our Heavenly Father beckons us to journey by the power of His leading and enabling.

    "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might" (Ephesians 6:10).

    God Himself, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, dwells within born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Moreover, He does not merely sit upon a throne in our hearts.  "I will dwell in them and walk in them" (II Corinthians 6:16; emphasis added).  The Spirit of God who moved upon the face of the waters in the physical creation now moves upon the face of spiritual waters in the new creation of our redeemed hearts.  "He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38).  Thus, we may join the Psalmist in going by God's strength rather than seeking to navigate life's pathways by our own means and abilities.  "Walk in the Spirit… I will walk in Thy truth" (Galatians 5;16; Psalm 86:11).

   This truth applies not merely to things we might consider obviously spiritual.  We may rather "go in the strength of the Lord my God" along every pathway.  "Unto the pure, all things are pure" (Titus 1:15).  Life becomes a very different reality when we realize that we go with God in all things.  Be it the home, the neighborhood, the workplace, the church, the school, the market, or wherever, our Heavenly Father beckons us to realize His guiding and empowering involvement along every pathway.  We need not - we must not - live our lives as if we are alone.  The Christ who long ago walked the dusty pathways of Galilee now walks in us to enable faith and faithfulness to God, and a life that honors Him in all things.  "God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him" (I John 4:9).

    Of course, we "walk by faith, not by sight" in our present lives (II Corinthians 5:7).  Our Lord's presence, leading, and enabling may often feel or appear to be little more than a distant dream or hope.  This is never actually the case, but God often does not make Himself overtly known.  He rather beckons us to trust Him in times when we feel the weakest and the most perplexed.  His present purpose requires such experience as He works to conform us to the spiritual and moral image of the Lord Jesus.  To truly know God's strength, we must know our human weakness as its vessel.  "My strength is made perfect in weakness" (II Corinthians 12:9).  Thus, we trust His heart when we cannot see or understand His hand, affirming that our Lord may be most present and active when He seems most absent and still.  "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24).

   Our human faculties must be empowered by Divine facility.  We cannot begin to attain to God's standard of life apart from His life dwelling and walking in us.  Thankfully, He imparted that life unto us when we believed.  Just as thankfully, He calls us in this day to walk thereby.  "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25).  Let us join the Psalmist, determining to "go in the strength of the Lord my God" by believing and submitting ourselves to the promise of our Father's grace and truth in the Lord Jesus…

"We shall live with Him by the power of God."
(II Corinthians 13:4)

Weekly Memory Verse
    I will go in the strength of the Lord my God. 
(Psalm 71:16).




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