The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…
"If You Have a Beagle…"
Most of you who read this have likely never had a beagle. Now, I am not going to say I feel sorry for you because I know you have had special and particular blessings of God I have not experienced. I will say, however, that I wish everybody could have a beagle, at least for a little while.
If you have a beagle, you will always have someone to pet, to pat, and to stroke. In the doing, you will feel pure joy because you know your beagle is feeling it too.
If you have a beagle, a smile will never be far away. Charles Schultz had it right with his Snoopy. Beagles have a way of making the corners of your mouth turn upward, and the depths of your heart turn happyward.
If you have a beagle, you will always have someone in your house looking to get into a bit of mischief (especially things to be chewed). This may seem like an unwanted feature of the breed, and it can be irritating at times. However, you can't stay mad at a beagle for very long, no matter what she's done. They have a sparkle in their eye, and when they repent for their misdeeds, they cuddle. So, even the mischief turns into yet another sweet beagle moment.
If you have a beagle, you will always have someone with whom to share your snacks. You know you shouldn't, but I defy anybody to say no to a beagle when they look at your treat, then look at you, then look at your treat, then look at you, then…. Well, you get the point.
If you have a beagle, you'll be amazed by their energy and athleticism. But not much later, you'll be amazed by how deeply they sleep, and how well they relax (and you'll wish you had their talent for repose). They are hounds, so they have a gift for the art of snooze, shuteye, the power nap, and even the catnap (uhoh, went too far!).
Speaking of cats, if you have a beagle, you will have to protect their face. From cats. Beagles don't understand, regardless of how many times they've experienced the unsheathed and rapidly wielded claw, that cats have no use for them. Which just confirms your longheld and accurate opinion about cats (sorry, cat owners, but anyone who doesn't like a beagle, well…).
If you have a beagle, you will have a use for all that excess memory capacity built into your smartphone. Indeed, what's a phone for if not to snap dozens… hundreds… thousands (??) of photos of your beagle?
If you have a beagle, you will have memories. We have had five beagles, which makes for a lot of fond recollections of moments that forever fill our hearts with gratitude. This leads to the main point of this consideration…
If you have a beagle, you will know there is a God (surely you will?!), that He is lovingly generous beyond all measure, and that He has given you a gift that reflects much of His wonderful heart. This will frequently lead you to the altar of thanksgiving in your own heart for such grace and blessing. And yes, it will make you wish that everybody could have a beagle, at least for a little while.
"Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing."
(Job 12:9-10)
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights."
(James 1:17)
Weekly Memory Verse
"Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing."
(Job 12:9-10)
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