Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Orange Moon Wednesday, February 17, 2021 "People of the Past"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…


(a repeat from 2016)


"People of the Past"


    As a young man, I worked for several years at a local bank.  I enjoyed the job and the people, and found many opportunities for ministry during my time at the establishment.


   After leaving the job in 1984, I have rarely had contact with any of the people with whom I worked.  Close associations and even friendships in the workplace often vanish when employment changes.  People with whom we once communicated daily become memories, or may be forgotten altogether as new experiences of life fill our consciousness.  In some cases, this involves sad farewells to those who became friends as well as fellow laborers.


   Thankfully, born again believers can still impact people who have become memories.  We can stay in touch with them in those cases where we have opportunity. In these days that offer so many ways to communicate, it is more possible to maintain associations with people.  However, an opportunity for ongoing involvement also presents itself that we may overlook, a possibility of immeasurably powerful potential.  We can pray for people of our past, seeking the involvement and working of the almighty God on their behalf.  This has been my practice for former coworkers who long ago left my immediate presence.


   "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men" (I Timothy 2:1).


   People do not enter our lives by accident, nor must they leave to become forgotten.  I think back on the people of my employment at the aforementioned business with much certainty of their God-determined role in my life.  Moreover, I am just as sure that I still possess a significant role in their lives.  I remember many names and faces, and for those forgotten, the One to whom I pray perfectly knows each person with whom I worked.  Thus, I give thanks for all, praying specifically for those I remember, and generally for the rest.  I find this to be a joyful privilege, and the prayerful recollection brings to heart and mind memories of times that were both blessed and challenging.


    When we realize that memories are opportunities for thanksgiving and intercession, the Holy Spirit graces such journeys to the past with His spiritual presence and involvement.  Many of you doubtless practice this gift of God far more than I do.  If not, allow me to suggest that the people of our past crossed our paths for a reason.  Their footsteps, imprinted in our minds and and on our hearts, also remain for a reason.  We can pray for them, with thanksgiving for their role in our past, and with prayerful intercession to fulfill our role in their present.  What a gift, what a privilege, and what a responsibility as our Lord weaves His redeeming work into every epoch of our past, present, and future.


"I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Thy works; I muse on the work of Thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto Thee.

(Psalm 143:5-6)


Weekly Memory Verse

    Pray without ceasing.

(I Thessalonians 5:17)











































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