Monday, July 8, 2019

Orange Moon Cafe "With Singing"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe… 

"With Singing"

     God's desire that we "enter into His presence with singing" speaks to the very essence and nature of who He is (Psalm 100:2)

     "Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us" (Psalm 90:17).

    We must perceive our Lord in terms of both heart and mind.  Regarding His mind, He is the most wondrous of engineers.  Creation sounds and resounds with the truth of a God whose "understanding is infinite" (Psalm 147:5).  The more we learn about "the things that are made," the more we realize the truth that their Maker's mind transcends any concept we can conjure of "His eternal power and godhead" (Romans 1:20).  The God of Scripture drives us to our knees and faces upon every consideration of His capacity for infinitesimal design, and His capability for implementing His determinations.  "O Lord, Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thee, for Thou hast done wonderful things" (Isaiah 25:1).

   We must also consider our Lord in terms of His heart, and the recognition of God's glorious artistry.  As we have suggested in these messages, few creations of God more reveal His existence and working than music.  One must embrace foolishness of the highest order to imagine that human beings made this glorious fusion of melody, harmony, rhythm, time, mind, and emotion.  No higher or more sublime form of art exists than music. Of course, music also involves intricate technical features that can also be considered in terms of engineering.  A simply melody can be sublime when sung by a child.  Add a composer, conductor, score, and orchestra to the piece, and the profound technical nature of music also blesses us with wonder.  The Artist is an Engineer.  The Engineer is an Artist.  God is both right-brained and left-brained, as it were.  He desires that we realize the infinite ability of His mind, and the illustrious art of His heart.

   When we sing as we make our approach to the Lord, we acknowledge His heart without neglecting His mind.  We emphasize the deeply personal and relational aspect of His being.  Indeed, we can praise and thank God without singing, and likely do so far more often than the occasions of adding song to our supplication.  However, our Father loves to hear our grateful offerings accompanied by melody.  It matters not how well we can carry a tune.  It only matters that we carry our hearts to the throne of grace with offerings that reveal our understanding of who God is.  Our Maker possesses a mind beyond all imagination.  Thus, we pray in recognition of His infinite intelligence.  However, He also possesses a heart that transcends every attempt to fathom His goodness.  We therefore approach Him in song because music grants us opportunity to bless God in a manner that reflects our  joy in His art and His beauty.  

"O come, let us sing unto the Lord.  Let us make a joyful noise to the Rock God of our salvation!"
(Psalm 95:1)

Weekly Memory Verse
   Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
(Ephesians 4:29)     



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