"Applied Light"
Regarding most people we encounter, we know nothing of what we might call their "backstory." Where are they from? What was their upbringing? What blessings have they known? What hardships, heartaches, and even heartbreaks? What is their relationship to God and His truth? We do not know, nor do we begin to fully comprehend the history of those closest to us. How then can Christians begin to share our Lord and His Word in a pertinent manner that speaks to the issue of where people are, based on where they have been?
"Thou, o Lord, knowest me" (Jeremiah 12:3).
There is One who knows every history and backstory, as well as every present condition of hearts. Our Heavenly Father possesses perfect awareness of where every one of us have been, from the moment of our conception until now. As we seek to relate to people in a manner that influences them for the Lord Jesus Christ, we must therefore trust and submit ourselves to God for His leadership. Certainly we have a general idea of what others need in the sense of Christ and His truth. Specific application of appropriately conveyed Light, however, requires the Holy Spirit's direction. Like Nathaniel, instantly transformed from skepticism to faith by the Savior's perfectly applied administration of Truth, human hearts must witness Light shining through us that causes them to think some has been reading their mail (John 1:45-51). Because Someone has. "Thou God seest me" (Genesis 16:13).
If we desire to effectively exemplify and communicate the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to others, we must live and speak in a manner that addresses both the backstory and the present condition of human hearts. Little wonder that the Apostle Paul felt completely overwhelmed by such a challenge: "Who is sufficient for these things?" However, Paul also knew he could trust the One who knows: "our sufficiency is of God" (II Corinthians 2:16; 3:5). Thus, we devote ourselves to Him in order to fulfill our devotion to people who need to see Christ exemplified and communicated by us in a manner that applies to where they have been and where they are. Someone knows both the backstory and present reality of every human heart. That Someone promises to lead and empower us to shine perfectly applied lasers of Light as we affirm with the Apostle, "our sufficiency is of Him."
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
(Proverbs 25:11)
Weekly Memory Verse
"A man that hath friends must show himself friendly."
(Proverbs 18:24)
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