Monday, April 22, 2019

"To Realize the Reality"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

"To Realize the Reality"

    I don't know about you, but when I wake up first thing in the morning, my mind seems to run in a thousand different directions.  Moreover, a lot of those pathways seem to have little to do with the Lord and His purposes (or at least I'm not immediately thinking in those terms!).

   "O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee" (Psalm 63:1).

   One of the benefits of writing these messages involves their help in reminding, encouraging, and challenging my heart to realize the Reality of each day.  "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).  As I told a friend the other day, I feel as if I write them with regard to my own personal condition, circumstance, and need.  Those who read them are just looking over my shoulder to see if I've pondered anything worthwhile!  I hope that's the case sometimes for you.  For me, it's every day, because writing has always been for me a way to mesh my internal gears and get the machinery moving.  

    Back to the point.  We do well to seek the Lord early, in whatever manner most suits our particular disposition, personality, calling, and responsibility.  We may or may not spend a great deal of time upon first awaking in consciously devoting ourselves and the day to our Heavenly Father.  We do, however, want to spend a great measure of our heart's devotion to the Life of our lives.  As soon as we gain our bearings, acknowledging the glory, will, and eternal purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ as the path of Reality upon which we will tread establishes our course and "shall set us in the way of His steps" (Psalm 85:13).  No other way to begin our days offers to us life, peace, and the wonder of our blessed Savior's loving and involved Presence.  To realize the Reality - may each day begin at this altar of Light.

"Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."
(Psalm 37:5)

Weekly Memory Verse
     "O God, Thou art my God, early will I seek Thee."
 (Psalm 63:1).


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