The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe...
"A Third Pair of Hands"
I'll never forget looking down and seeing a third pair of hands helping us.
Frances and I experienced an avalanche of loose leaf notebooks as we shopped at a local store this past Saturday. She needed a new notebook, and as we glanced at the collection, at least 20 of the items fell off the shelf and gathered around our feet. Neither of us had touched the books, so we are not sure why the landslide - or bookslide! - happened as we stood by the shelf on which they had previously rested. We knelt down to pick up the books and return them to their proper place. I had my head down for the most part as we worked, when suddenly a third pair of small hands entered my field of vision. Those hands had clearly joined Frances and me to help us gather the notebooks and put them back on the shelf. I looked up, and a beautiful little girl looked back at me. She appeared to be about 8 years old, and had the sweetest look on her face. She hadn't said a word, but simply walked over to where we were and joined in the work party. I began to profusely thank her and tell her what a blessing she was to us and how sweet it was that she helped. She smiled - but continued to work! Finally, we cleared the floor of the notebooks, and she turned to walk back to a lady who appeared to be her grandmother. I waved at her, gave her a thumbs-up, and let her know what a sweetheart she has in the little girl. She smiled and nodded a knowing awareness as they disappeared into another aisle.
Frances and I made our way to the grocery section. We shopped for another ten minutes or so, during which I could not get the little girl and her kindness off my mind. I told Frances I really wanted to see the little girl and her grandmother again before we left the store. I wanted to reiterate what a blessing she had been to us, and how much it said about the person she is, and is becoming. Sure enough, as we headed to the checkout, I glanced over to another section of the store and there they were. We walked over to them, and I expressed again to the girl how much it meant to us that she had been so willing to help. I then made a commitment to her. "I am a preacher," I said, "and tomorrow I will conduct three services. I am going to mention you and your kindness in each one of the those meetings, and tell people how the Lord blessed us through you." The little girl smiled and said thank you. Her grandmother looked at me, and simply said, "Her grandfather is a pastor." She again expressed a knowing nod, and we said our farewell. "I won't forget to mention you tomorrow!" I said as we parted.
I fulfilled that obligation yesterday, and now I have the privilege of an extra opportunity to tell the story to you! Since the event, and as I shared the blessing yesterday in our services, one verse keeps coming to mind.
"The whole earth is full of His glory!" (Isaiah 6:3).
We live in a world that often seems dark and foreboding. Because it is. "The whole world lieth in wickedness" (I John 5:19). Devils, flesh, and the world system continually ply their nefarious trade, and the realities of life in a fallen realm can often seem overwhelming. However, which is greater? "Full of His glory?" Or "lieth in wickedness?" We know the answer. "The light shineth in darkness… Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" (John; I John 4:4). Regardless of the opposition, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Psalm 24:1). Our Heavenly Father shines His light throughout the world. Sometimes, a significant choice of faith is required to see the illumination of the Lord Jesus Christ. But sometimes, well, sometimes you look down and a third pair of hands reveal the love of God and the fullness of His glory that encompasses "the whole earth." I won't forget that sight, and even more, the reminder it is to remember that if we will keep our eyes open with anticipation, the glory of God will shine forth as He reveals His hands in all things.
"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."
(Psalm 33:5)
Weekly Memory Verse
"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."
(Psalm 33:5)
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