Friday, December 7, 2018

“Small Drops, Pouring Rain"

"Small Drops, Pouring Rain"       


     Relatively few big things happen to any human being.  This includes hermits as well as kings.  Most of life involves countless small matters of the day wherein battles are most often won and lost.

   "He maketh small the drops of water.  They pour down rain" (Job 36:27).

    Many seemingly small moments, events, and experiences most govern the course of our lives.  This is especially true regarding our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and with people.   Loving Him and others will most often involve apparently inconsequential thoughts, attitudes, actions, and words that often loom large in hindsight.  Small drops of water make for pouring rain.  Faithfulness to God and people regarding the tiniest matters and moments may, with God's blessing, monumentally honor Him and change the course of lives.  Conversely, Solomon reminds us that "little foxes" often "spoil the vines" (Song of Solomon 2:15).  How we can hinder and damage in a moment, with a word, an action, an inaction, an attitude, a look on the face.  

    Small drops and pouring rain remind us of life's eternal significance, and of how vital it is that we walk prayerfully and carefully with our Lord.  This day will most involve the countless small matters that unite to chart the course of life's journey.  Our Heavenly Father is there for them all, the remembrance of which transforms our hearts and minds regarding how we perceive the moments that may feel and appear to be insignificant.  They are not, as the drops and the rain tell us.

"Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
(I Corinthians 10:31)    

"There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?"

(John 6:9)

Memory Verse
      "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
 (Romans 8:6).

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