Saturday, November 24, 2018

"My Times, Your Times"

"My Times, Your Times"


     I am greatly blessed to need very little sleep.  I suppose this is because I sleep so deeply that Frances sometimes checks my breathing to see if I'm still on the planet!  This serves me well because the middle of the night (or early morning) is one of my favorite times to be awake.  I love the quiet, the stillness, and the solitude, and my mind seems to work best upon first awakening.  This must be a metabolism thing and it makes me think I would have been suited for the early to bed, early to rise life of the farmer.  Whatever the case, I enjoy reading, pondering, praying, and writing in the wee (or as my daughter says "weird, Dad!") hours.

   "Evening, morning, and at noon will I pray and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice" (Psalm 55:17).

    We all must find our way in such matters.  I sometimes wish I was more of an evening person.  I get very little study and writing done during those hours, which sometimes would seem to provide good opportunities for the endeavor.  I'm winding down by then, however, and not consciously processing information to any significant degree.  You may well be different, but whatever the case, we each must seek to find that period of quiet, stillness, and solitude wherein we join the Psalmist to ponder our Lord and His truth, and to be sure that "He shall hear my voice."

    "Sweet is thy voice."  Our Heavenly Father would say this to each of His trusting children in Christ (Song of Solomon 2:14).  This may be hard to mentally and emotionally grasp in light of His eternal, infinite nature.  "What is man... that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him?" (Job 7:17).  We may not be able to answer the question.  But we can believe the truth.  Moreover, we can apply it to ourselves and our fellowship with the God who loves us so dearly that His Son bears wounds upon His hands and feet as the price paid to secure our hearts unto Himself.  We are "dear children" to our Heavenly Father, and our voices are sweet to Him (Ephesians 5:1).  I try to remember this in the weird, uh, wee hours!  I need to remember it more at noon and in the evening also, and at all times.  May His Spirit lead us all to find our times in the realization that He has a particular way for each of us.  I'll try to cover the weird hours if you'll take care of the normal ones when my brain function dwindles.  Most importantly, what a gift our Father offers to us at all times, the gift of Himself in living fellowship through Christ, as led and enabled by the Holy Spirit.

"My times are in Thy hand."
(Psalm 31:15)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Weekly Memory Verse
    I will remember the works of the Lord.  Surely I will remember Thy wonders of old."
(Psalm 77:11)


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