Monday, October 15, 2018

"The Melody of the Heart"

"The Melody of the  Heart"


     "I used to sing in the choir."

     After our service at a local retirement community yesterday, I spent a few moments with Ms. Brenda.  She has lived at the facility for many years, and is a regular attendee  at our meetings.  She long ago suffered a stroke, has diabetes, and undergoes dialysis weekly.  Ms. Brenda has been through a lot, but she maintains a sweetness of spirit and attitude that blesses us each time we see her.  She confirms the words of the Lord declared to the Apostle Paul regarding his thorn in the flesh: "My strength is made perfect in weakness" (II Corinthians 12:9).

    "I can't sing anymore" continued Ms. Brenda.  "I just don't have the strength.  I wish I could…"  Her voice trailed off wistfully.  My sister's words touched me deeply.  I've heard them before from many people experiencing similar physical trials, particularly those who have suffered strokes.  This time, without thinking I responded, "Ms. Brenda, I can hear your heart."  The statement surprised me, despite it coming from my own lips.  It also brought tears to my eyes because it is so true.  Again, we've known literally hundreds of believers who once sang for the Lord, about the Lord, and to the Lord.  They still do.  I can hear their hearts.  I can see the Lord's song in their eyes and faces.  But their voices have been stilled by weakness and infirmity.  Like Ms. Brenda, it hurts them.  It hurts me to think about it.  However, the Christ-filled heart from which musical praises and thanksgivings originate cannot be stilled…

    "Be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Ephesians 5:18-19).

    The Psalmist asked, "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" (Psalm 137:4).  God's answer reveals that the Holy Spirit can compose melodies, harmonies, and beautiful strains of Christ's love in any heart wherein He dwells, and wherein He finds faith and devotion.  "God my Maker giveth songs in the night" (Job 35:10).  Our Heavenly Father hears our hearts.  His own heart of compassion doubtless feels the pain known by sons and daughters in Christ who once sang with voices that can no longer sound and resound to His glory.  He will one day restore those voices to a more beautiful utterance than ever known.  For now, He listens to the Ms. Brendas of His spiritual family as the melody of their heart ascends to Him from the beauty of holiness that cannot be stilled by the battering of physical infirmity.  "I can hear your heart."  I meant those words spoken to a dear sister in Christ whose life sings the Lord's song.  I can hear Ms. Brenda's heart.  But her Father in Heaven hears it so much more.  How it must bless His heart as His children "sing the Lord's song in a strange land."  How it blesses my heart to "hear" that song composed by the Spirit, inspired by the Savior, and sung by the souls of the saints...

"I will sing with the spirit!"
(I Corinthians 14:15)

Weekly Memory Verse
    "I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."
(Psalm 104:33)


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