Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Saturday Series -13- "The Prince of Peace"

(Friends:  Most Saturdays for the duration of this year, I plan on sharing a message that relates to the character and nature of God, and our response thereunto.  I hope you will find it helpful, and as always, thanks for allowing us to send the devotionals to you.  Glen).

The Saturday Series - 13

"The Prince of Peace"     
    One of the first impressions of the Lord Jesus Christ when we see Him face to face will be the sense of peace fostered by His direct presence.  He is the Prince of such tranquility, even as He slept while journeying upon the stormy seas of Galilee with terrified disciples (Mark 4:38).  Our Lord well knew His Father's care, and He also possessed the perfectly clear conscience that leads to perfectly known peace.

   Only a God of peace could be able to administer peace to others.  The disciples on the storm-tossed ship should have realized that their Lord's calm indicated that all was well regardless of winds and waves.  His stillness of heart leads to the still waters of our own experience of peace.  We must increasingly discover the assurance and confidence that governs our Heavenly Father in order to better experience His tranquility.  The pages of Scripture all directly or implicitly proclaim "the God of peace" (Philippians 4:9).  We should therefore look upon our Lord to see Him at rest.  Thereby our own hearts can know His peace because if the One to whom we have committed our lives is not troubled, we can also rest.  "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee" (Isaiah 26:3).

   The book of Revelation depicts Heaven in terms of both sounding and resounding praises, but also the quiet of stilled silence (Revelation 4:8-11; 8:1).  I suspect that both expressions of devotion will characterize our Heavenly eternity.  The latter experience of quietness will surely speak to the peace of our Lord's heart, and to the hearts that have found their rest, their perfect rest, in Him.  We will be amazed by the Prince of peace when first we look upon His face and into His eyes.  The God of peace will still our hearts forever, as His tranquility perfectly becomes our own.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
(John 14:27)

Weekly Memory Verse 
   For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."
(John 1:17)

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