Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Saturday Series - 3 "Faithful and True"

(Friends:  Most Saturdays for the duration of this year, I plan on sharing a message that relates to the character and nature of God, and our response thereunto.  I hope you will find it helpful, and as always, thanks for allowing us to send the devotionals to you.  Glen).

The Saturday Series - 3 

"Faithful and True"    
   When I think of the love of God in terms of character traits, I often ponder His faithfulness.

   "God is faithful" (I Corinthians 1:9).
    I am greatly blessed to know many trustworthy human beings, that is, people who consistently act in accordance with deeply held beliefs, convictions, and principles.  I count among that number those of you who read these messages, and be sure that your example provides both encouragement and challenge to my own heart.

   That being said, God only exists in and as perfect faithfulness.  Moreover, all genuine trustworthiness proceeds from this Fount of all goodness.  "The fruit of the Spirit is faith (the original Greek also strongly implies faithfulness in the translation).  In our present existence, God's perfection originates consistency and growth regarding every character trait, including faithfulness, to which He calls us.  Thus, Someone exists whose heart and word can be trusted with complete confidence and abandon.  God will always be perfectly faithful, even if it costs Him the life of His own Son.  Indeed, if ever we are tempted to wonder about our Lord's promises as declared in Scripture, we do well to remember Calvary.  There, the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old Testament promises that required His sacrifice, sorrow, and suffering.  Perhaps more than any other act of God, the cross revealed the wondrous fidelity of One who "cannot lie" (Titus 1:2).  God will be true.  He will always be true to Himself, His Word, and His creation.  Nothing will keep Him from this holy and eternal resolve, and nothing must keep us from flinging our souls upon Him and His Word with complete confidence.  Yes, God is faithful.

There is a Heart so faithful and true.
It bears a scar for me and for you.
And we can know for a lifetime through,
it's faithful and true, faithful and true.

There is a grace that makes all things new,
born in that valley our Lord passed through,
where He was smitten for me and for you.
So faithful and true, faithful and true.

Forever draws nigh, we'll see His face soon,
shining in glory, so lovely the view.
And the glad anthem of our hearts will ensue,
so faithful and true, faithful and true.

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True."
(Revelation 19:11)

Weekly Memory Verse 
   By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers.
(Colossians 1:16)

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