Friday, January 20, 2017

“Chick Filet”

"Chick Filet"    
   After a visit to a local Chick Filet last night, the thought occurred to me that I have never been disappointed with the food, service, and staff at any one of their establishments I've ever visited.  I cannot say this about any other fast food restaurant, and with some, you almost feel it's a hit or miss proposition regarding all three aspects of their business.  

    Of course, Chick Filet was founded and is still operated by dedicated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  This means that the company is governed by the determination and purpose set forth by the Apostle Paul: "Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (I Corinthians 10:31).  I'm sure that not every employee of the company professes faith in the Lord Jesus, but the pervading influence of God nevertheless governs the way Chick Filet does business.  Again, this stands in stark contrast to other establishments, and serves as a credit to the Lord and a testament to His guidance and enabling in the lives of those who trust Him.  "I will dwell in them and walk in them" (II Corinthians 6:16).

   As Frances and I drove away from the restaurant last night, I realized what an example Chick Filet upholds by the quality and consistency of their performance.  They serve the Bread of life by how and what they do.  They witness to the goodness and greatness of Christ by deed (including the company policy to close on Sundays).  While very successful financially, Chick Filet is far more successful spiritually, to the degree that my visit last night caused me to think, "I want to live my life as a believer in the same way Chick Filet conducts their business."  What an influence, and to be able to think such thoughts about a company in these challenging times for American businesses elicits much gratitude and appreciation.

    The thought occurred to me as I wrote this affirmation that my words may seem like an advertisement.  This is not my intention.  I don't personally know anyone who works for Chick Filet, and have no vested interest in the company.  On second thought, I actually do have an interest, and I do know Someone who works for the company!  So, while not an advertisement in the business sense, this is a commendation in every other way.  Most importantly, I write to give thanks to the true Founder and and Executor of a business that serves hearts more than bellies.  I suppose that there is no other way to conclude than… "Eat more chickin!"  And, as Paul wrote to the believers of Rome...

"I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world."
(Romans 1:8)

Weekly Memory Verse 
    So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12)

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