Friday, September 23, 2016

"One By One By One By One"

The Special of the Day… From the Orange Moon Cafe…

"Heart To Heart"

    When preaching and teaching, I attempt to make regular eye contact with every person in a congregation or class.  I visually scan the audience in the hopes of making a personal connection with each person, and because I want to view people in individual rather than collective terms.  

    "The very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Luke 12:7).

   I do not believe the Lord Jesus Christ ever saw a crowd in His earthly lifetime.  He rather viewed the throngs who followed and heard Him in the most personal terms.  Consider the episode wherein He was surrounded by people, but one woman's contact garnered His rapt attention.  "Who touched Me?"  (Luke 8:45).  This perplexed the disciples, who saw a crowd.  The Savior saw people, one by one by one by one.  In the case of the bleeding woman, the Lord Jesus felt the touch of one amid the thronging of a multitude.  I suspect also that whenever He spoke to many, every person who could see His eyes experienced the aforementioned connection as He viewed not a crowd, but rather gazed into the hearts of a collection of beloved individuals.  Everybody mattered to the Lord Jesus.  Those willing to come and to listen would find the Savior speaking as to one rather than many.

   Scripture teaches that God weighs hearts rather than counts heads.  "The Lord weigheth the spirits" (Proverbs 16:2).  He possesses the spiritual capacity to relate to us all as if we alone exist.  Moreover, He makes contact of a far greater nature than merely eye to eye.  Heart to heart rather directs the vision and focus of God.  We do well to remember this when we find ourselves among many who are actually one, and then another, and another.  No crowds exist in the sight of God, and no numbering of heads.  He rather counts the individual hairs of one by one by one by one, and weighs the hearts.

"Thou God seest me".
(Genesis 16:13)

Weekly Memory Verse
    "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
 (Psalm 46:1)



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