Saturday, April 4, 2015


    Gerry Udstuen would have been 88 years old today had the Lord not recently took him to his eternal and Heavenly home in Christ.

    Those of you who have been with us for awhile may remember Gerry and his wife Elaine.  We met them on a bench in Central Park in 2010 when Gerry struck up a conversation that immediately led into his testimony of the Lord Jesus.  We hit it off famously, rejoiced in the Savior together with he and Elaine, and for the first time we heard Gerry sing one of his favorite hymns.  Yes, right there in Central Park, where the beauty of God's creation united with the beauty of His son Gerry's heart and voice.  I'll never forget as we parted ways that day Gerry's final words to us: "We may not see each other again down here.  But we will up there!"  I recall hoping that we would see each other again "down here," while knowing that it might not be the case. 

   Gerry and I spoke many times by phone over the next four years.  He shared with us the difficult path he and Elaine traveled during their daughter Amy's illness and passing due to cancer.  I recall Gerry's expression of faith, amid the great sorrow of those days.  I also recall his testimony of God's keeping and comfort when Amy left, and of the assurance he and Elaine experienced because of their departed daughter's faith in the Lord Jesus.   I remember many other topics of discussion, all centered around our blessed Savior, and I still hear the echoes of hymns Jerry sang to me over the phone.  Yes, right over the phone lines my brother's voice rang out on numerous occasions, each of which blessed me more than words can express.  

    I miss those calls.  I miss the hymns.  I miss my brother's example to me of love, faith and devotion.  Most of all, I miss my brother!  Elaine called me yesterday to touch base.  She is a blessing in her own right, and I look forward to staying in close touch with her in days to come (hmmm, wonder if I can get her to sing hymns to me over the phone?! :)  ).  Elaine told me that today is Gerry's birthday, and I want to take the occasion to again express my gratitude for that day in Central Park nearly five years ago, and the many other days when I spoke with Gerry by phone.  When Gerry first went to be with the Lord, Elaine called to tell me, and to also mention that before he left, Gerry asked her to say to me, "Tell Glen I'll see him in Heaven!"  Yes you will, Gerry, and I look forward to that.  But most of all, I look forward to hearing you sing again in Heaven!  Happy Birthday, my brother.  I miss you.

"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.  With my mouth I will make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."
(Psalm 89:1)

Weekly Memory Verse
    Godliness with contentment is great gain.
(I Timothy 6:6)

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