Thursday, October 2, 2014

“From Above”

    One of my favorite experiences of childhood involved the building of a tri-level treehouse with my friends.  The first platform we constructed in the tall tree (which still stands after nearly a half century) did not satisfy our desire for a high perch from which to look out all over the world, or our world at least.  Neither did the second, but the third platform raised us as high as the tree would allow, nearly to the top.  From our new vantage point far above the ground, we gazed upon scenes of wonder, at least to eight year olds.  "There's our school!" shouted one boy excitedly, while others groaned at the reminder of the school's existence.  Another announced his view of Ladd Stadium, our city's football arena.  For me, the horizon seemed to offer the most exhilaration.  From our perch, we could see things not possible at ground level, thrilling things that seemed to offer adventure and perhaps the promise to little boys of days to come when we would go forth to discover the world out there.

   "The way of life is above to the wise" (Proverbs 15:24).

   In His Word, God offers to us the lofty vantage point of His "way of life."  The Bible calls us from the ground level view of our existence, as it were, unto the Heavenly perspective of truth.  We see that good things that happen are not merely the product of fortune, but rather of blessing from the Father from whom "every good gift and every perfect gift descends" (James 1:17).  We recognize the people in our particular sphere of influence as those ordained or allowed by God to provide opportunity to love and to be loved.  Troublesome circumstances and conditions shine a light, God's light, in the darkness as Scripture proclaims our Lord to be "a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1).  We know life as not merely a passage from cradle to grave, but from conception to new birth to glory, "the hope of glory which is Christ in you" (Colossians 1:27).  Indeed, the Bible calls us to view God, ourselves, others, and every aspect of our existence with the view that can only be seen from Above, the Heavenly Above.

    As Moses ascended into Mount Sinai to meet God, coming forth with such glory shining in his face as to require a veil, so do born again believers ascend even higher to commune with our Father in His Word.  Therein we discover His view of life, truth, and reality, which becomes our view as we respond in faith and submission.  The glory of God illuminates us, with no veil necessary as come down and go forth to declare the grace and truth of the Lord Jesus.  Long ago, the lofty vantage point of a tall tree began to teach me that life, as viewed from Above, offers much  promise of days to come, and of the dynamic presence of God in this day wherein we may view our lives in the light of His life…

"In Thy light shall we see light."
(Psalm 36:9)

Weekly Memory Verse
    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
(Colossians 3:16)

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