Thursday, January 31, 2013

"With An Everlasting Love"

    The singer of old intoned, "Love is gone. Written on your spirit this sad song, love is gone."  She referred, of course, to the romantic love that does often seem to come and go.  Fickle is the human heart in such matters, especially in a generation that perceives connections more in terms of chemistry than commitment. 

    Thankfully, another love can be written on our spirits with indelible devotion, affection, and faithfulness.

    "I have loved thee with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3).
    "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us" (Romans 5:5).

    When the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ enters our hearts through faith, He comes to stay in an "everlasting love" that will never wane.  Our experience of such goodness ebbs and flows, of course, and God's application of love will sometimes challenge our very concept of His heart and way.  Nevertheless, the born again believer will never find written on the spirit that God's love is gone.  The Spirit of Christ comes to stay when He enters our hearts, and "shed abroad" love fills our innermost being regardless of our perception and reception.

     This we must believe about the God who so loves human hearts that He seeks to make them His home.  This includes your heart and mine if we have believedThe One who cherishes us most dearly cherishes us most nearly.  Through the Holy Spirit, God imparts His devotion not simply upon us, but within us.  He enters our spirits, shuts the door, as it were, and forever thereafter we may sing, "Love is here.  Written on our spirit this joyful anthem of grace, love is here."
   Of no other love can this be said, because there is no other "everlasting love."  By definition, such devotion and commitment requires the life eternal found only in the Christ who is, who was, and who always will be.  Thus, the love of being loved and responding in kind will be with the trusting heart forevermore.  This is love, the love of God which enters the spirits of those who believe in the Lord Jesus with the promise...

"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
(Hebrews 13:5)

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