Friday, December 28, 2012


    Illness often limits or even eliminates our appetite.  Frances currently has the flu, and has eaten very little in the last two days. 

Thanks for the prayers I know you'll pray for her.  She's feeling a little better, and I just told her, "We've got to get some food in you today."   

The same truth applies spiritually.  During times of wandering from our Lord, we have little appetite to partake of Him.  We don't read the Scriptures, or if we do, our heart doesn't seem to be in it.  We pray less, if at all, and the many opportunities life affords to consciously approach our Heavenly Father pass by with little notice.  Our fellowship with other believers wanes, along with the  heartfelt determination to do the will of God that characterizes the rich experience of Him made possible by the Lord Jesus Christ.     We need "medicine" in such times.  The prescription written by Frances's doctor yesterday has already helped her, but not as quickly as that which believers experience when approaching our Great Physician.    

"I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.  I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin" (Psalm 32:5).    

The God who "delighteth in mercy" loves to forgive, cleanse and restore His children in times of unbelief and disobedience (Micah7:18).  The very act of reminding us that the Lord Jesus suffered and died to establish relationship between God and ourselves begins our Heavenly Father's renewing of our appetite for the Bread of life.  No wandering Christian can seriously ponder the sacrifice of our Lord without desiring to partake of His merciful restoration, and then to feast upon His sustenance by walking closely with Him thereafter.  "When I said, My foot slippeth, Thy mercy, o Lord, held me up" (Psalm 94:18).   

Appetite tells us much both physically and spiritually.  Do we want to eat?  Unless we are "ill," yes we do.  The truth applies to both realms, and even more to the spiritual than the physical.  Lack of hunger for the Scriptures, communion with our Father, the fellowship of other believers, and a life of faithful Christ-honoring obedience tells us much about the most important aspect of our lives.  Thankfully, our Physician offers His cure of grace, truth and mercy when we are sick.  His Spirit beckons us to partake in such times so that our normal appetite and partaking may continue without interruption.   May we avail ourselves of His prescription when necessary, rejoicing that once again we can say, "I am hungry!"

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."(Matthew 5:6)

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