Friday, October 5, 2012

“Wondering” . . . Fascinated By God, and By His Truth

(Friends: during this series, the messages may frequently be longer than usual due to the subject matter.  Thanks for your patience, and I think you will find the considerations interesting, and hopefully, helpful in our walk with the Lord.  Glen)

Part 29 – “Why Is God?”

     Having addressed the What, Who, Where and When of God, we conclude our series by raising the question, “Why is God?” Or, more literally, “why does God exist?”  Does the Lord have a reason for being?

     The answer is no.  God exists as an uncaused reality, the only such reality in existence.  No one, including Himself, willed Him to be in order to fulfill some purpose, or meet some need or desire. God simply is - “From everlasting to everlasting, “Thou art God” (Psalm 90:2).  Thus, the question, “Why is God?” cannot be logically asked or answered due to the eternality of His existence. 

     The primary implication of this truth promotes a keen sense of wonder and fascination regarding our Lord.  There is no one and nothing like Him in the sense of His primary existence and being.  “Thou art God alone” (Psalm 86:10).  Of course, the human race was originally created in His image, and born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are being progressively conformed to His spiritual and moral likeness (Genesis 1:26; Romans 8:29).  However, this speaks not to the issue of being, but rather of character, nature and way. Salvation in Christ ultimately produces sons and daughters who think, speak, act and relate like their Heavenly Father. Nevertheless, God’s uncaused existence remains unique to Him, and the more we become like Him, the more the truth of “Thou art God alone” fills our being with bright and illuminating light.

    “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58).  Our Lord’s apparent misapplication of tenses in His identification of Himself actually speaks to His transcendence of time and space.  We worship a God who draws nearer to us than our next breath through Christ, but who forever remains other than we are in His substance and being.  Both truths are necessary in our proper understanding of God, and in our attempts to rightly relate to Him. Indeed, the same Apostle John who once laid his head on the chest of the Lord Jesus also fell at His feet as dead when seeing the Savior in glory (John13:25; Revelation 1:17). 

    God is both imminent and transcendent to us. His uncaused existence provides the cause for our own.  We may not fully understand such mystery, nor is it necessary that we do so.  It is only necessary that we believe and submit ourselves to a Father whose very existence we cannot fathom, but whose heart we can know more intimately than we know any other.  The ancients referred to Him as “the Beyond in the midst.”  We can do no better, and we close our consideration in the hopes that these “Wonderings” have encouraged the awareness that no other subject offers the potential for rapt awe and thrilling fascination than the fact of God.  Our minds and hearts were made for such discovery, and may the Holy Spirit lead us ever on in our eternal exploration of the fact of God.

“The King of kings, and Lord of lords; who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.”(I Timothy 6:15-16)

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