Tuesday, May 29, 2012

“The Believer’s Self Perception” Part 5

     Before we proceed to the “low view” of ourselves commanded by Scripture, it bears repeating that the “high view” we have considered in the last few days leads not to arrogance or self exaltation, but humility.

    “By the grace of God, I am what I am” (I Corinthians 15:10).

     As we properly affirm the person we are in Christ in accordance with Biblical teaching, we do so in affirmation not of ourselves, but of the God who spiritually birthed and nurtures us.  Indeed, were it not for the dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit in us, we would have no more interest in godliness than we had in our initial reception of salvation in the Lord Jesus.  We must be drawn to the table of consistent faith and obedience no less than we were drawn to the new birth.  We respond, of course, and our role of “working out” the salvation our Lord is “working in” calls us to decisive and conscious involvement in our relationship with God (Philippians 2:13).  Nevertheless, we always know that Christ is the power of our walk in godliness, and all honor flows to His blessed throne of grace.

     Failure to know and affirm the Biblical high view of ourselves reveals a deficit in our apprehension of the person and work of the Lord Jesus.  Who is He, what has He done, what is He doing, and what does He promise to do forevermore in us?  These questions, rightly answered, beckon us to a proper perception both of Christ, and of ourselves.  The New Testament plainly teaches that it is not enough to rightly perceive only our Lord, as central and vital as this is.  We must also rightly perceive ourselves in the holy light of who our Savior is for us, and within us.  Such spiritual and doctrinal knowledge illuminates the candle of our innermost temple, leading us to “walk in the light, as He is in the light” (I John 1:7).  Thereby is the Lord Jesus glorified, and thereby the high view of ourselves prepares us for the proper low view of ourselves.

“Now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light.”
(Ephesians 5:8)

Tomorrow: the Biblical low view of ourselves.

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